Wednesday, October 23, 2019



Hubby was up at 4:30AM and peed; then he came back to bed.

Got up at 7AM. We were very tired from last night. Dogs stayed in bed until then with us!

I made the bed. Hubby got up and started to get dressed.

I made lattes & made eggs with ham for the dogs.

I watered the tree outside in the front of the house.

Hubby fed the dogs.

Then he left to go eat breakfast with the SXS Club Guys at the Golden West Casino.

I vacuumed, did laundry, put away laundry, cleaned our closet, picked up dog poo, put cat poo & dog poo in the garbage, cleaned up breakfast dishes and started dishwasher.

Then I updated my blog from last night's awful episode of the Lake Mead Dinner cruise.

Let the dogs inside and out all morning.

Ordered shoes from ASOS.

London Chunky Lace Up Oxfords

Hubby called to say he wanted to go to the Candidate Forum at 3PM with John today. I said he had to make Spider Meatballs for Bunco tonight.

Hubby got back at 2PM and we decided against spider meatballs. Instead, just taking the scary cupcakes we purchased at Walmart.

We got ready and went over to the Pioneer Center, mistaking the room where we needed to be, we finally found the large room had been separated into two smaller rooms. The candidates, Donna & Karen were in the smallest room. It was hot and crowded. We sat beside John & Dee as they have saved seats for us. During the questions, the maintenance kid came in with more chairs, but the men standing in the back were reluctant to sit...

Questions were about petty things that were happening in the area. Questions were not relevant to the incoming candidates! What are we doing about a traffic light at the main entrance intersection? What about the flags flying out front? Why didn't you decorate your candidate table? Why don't  you listen to homeowners concerns? What about a dog park?

The Incumbent candidate reminds me of Hilary Clinton. What a bitch. I would like the slap the snide look off her face. She was SO smary and insulting when answering questions; since "we" are doing everything...

It was a total waste of time as Karen answered honestly and the other danced around questions like a true politician.

We left promptly and had to get ready for Bunco. We let the dogs out to potty at home, then Hubby changed clothes, put on his "Jason" mask, I put on my Spider hat. We drove over to the Pioneer Center again in the SXS.

Paid our Bunco fee. Tolerated the awful girl, sat at a table with new people. Then we started playing after 56 people came to Bunco; 14 tables with 4 people each. The most they have ever seen! Lots of new people. It was fun.

So we played. I neither lost nor won enough. Hubby was the same. We did not win anything. However, I WAS sitting next to the girl that had the SOCK at the end. It was her first time at Bunco as she lives in Settlers Cove. She won $24. It was exciting.

While waiting for the winners to be called, I massaged Hubby's shoulders & arms and the irritating girl came over and said "SHE" wanted to massage. I asked her nicely several times to get her hands off my husband and finally had to forcefully tell her "NO". What an ass of a kid. The parents really need to control her. Obviously she has been given a lot of leniency and leeway because of her mental condition. She is mean little thing.

We went home, let puppies out to potty. Watched TV for a while and went to bed at 10PM.

I was hurting all night. Sweaty and clammy. Had a headache. Got up at 3AM because it sounded like hurricane winds outside. Nothing in our yard was blowing around.

Went back to bed.

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