Friday, June 08, 2018


JUNE 8 2018

Got up at 6:30, dressed, made bed.

Hubby took the ladder upstairs, and the massage chair downstairs.

I made eggs for dogs & hubby. One egg broke, so I gave it raw to Ben. Good for his coat.

Then I made toast & guacamole for myself, with coffee.

Made latte for hubby.

He took Ben with him and drove over to Spirit Lake to pick up Wayne.

I cleaned house while hubby moved the Bronco from in front of the shop. He did not have time to do anything else because he had to put oil in the Bronco, put fuel in the Bronco, jump start it.

So the shop area still looks like poopy ka-ka.

But the house is doing ok.

Wayne finished the gate in the fence.

Wayne and hubby put bark nuggets everywhere in the backyard.

Hubby had to run to CDA at 1PM to pick up more bark nuggets because they ran out.

I kept the puppies inside with me all day because the guys took the fence down in the back yard to work.

Hubby got back at 1:45 with more nuggets and put them everywhere around the trees. It started looking really nice. The gate was finiahed by the entryway.

Wood Chips Everywhere!

Gate Was Finished!

I fell off the top two steps on the deck while carrying a tote to hand off to hubby that was stacking them in the garage. My left leg just buckled on me and I went down. Could not do anything after that.

I went inside and took a hot bath. Took many aspirin.

Ken arrived at approximately 3PM and took pictures of the house, then got information about the listing. He then went down by the shops and got pictures there.

BEN and WILSON were SO very good while Ken was here. They did not bark and him. They even slept on the floor the entire time he was here! I am so proud of them!

Puppies Napping

Ken finally left at 6:45PM after he and hubby planted the "For Sale" sign down by the mailbox.

Ken came back about 15 minutes later. He had forgotten to have us sign in a couple places.

Finally, he was gone so that hubby and I could rest, relax, eat dinner. Hubby had already fallen asleep on the sofa by 7PM.

We went to bed at 10PM.

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