Sunday, June 17, 2018




Woke up at 4AM to potty. Went back to bed.

Hubby got up early. I got up at 7AM to make lattes.

Hubby made eggs for dogs. Gave tuna to cats. All the cats came running.

Hubby had a 30 minute rest on the sofa after breakfast.

Then I researched purchasing a new refrigerator because buying one is cheaper than repairing the one that we have. 

Found a decent fridge at Lowe's.

We loaded the dogs in the tan truck, loaded up garbage and left. Loaded up the fabric lawn cover & plastic from the backyard & the garbage cans.

Stopped at the dump and unloaded garbage.

Drove to Farragut and walked around the Brig area. My knee started hurting really bad. The sun was shining and it was warmer. 

Got a text from Lane H, Happy Father's Day.

Hubby stopped at the Latte stand in Athol. Wished Skinny Danny a Happy Father's Day.

Because there were no cars at Lil Town Market, we stopped there to pick up a gallon of milk, ice, bottled water, Starbucks latte and lottery tickets.

Then we came home. Unloaded truck. Took dogs inside. Gave dogs fresh water.

Hubby hauled burnable junk from behind the garage down to the pit, I separated out some planters that could be donated. We took the dog watering bucket out of the hole in the backyard.

Hubby and I took more garbage from the shop down to the dump.

Bought Fridge oneline from Lowes; special Father's Day Sale. 

Wayne started using the tractor to pull out the mulch and branches from behind the dog fence. 

Joe loaded more wood in his truck. 

Hubby fixed the fire pit where the mulcher guy had run over and wrecked a couple blocks.

Hubby rested at 2:30PM and watched some automotive shows.

I ordered hubby some replacement lenses on Amazon for his new Oakley sunglasses.

Wayne was using the tractor out back instead of doing what hubby had requested. He got the tractor stuck, so hubby had to go out there and get it upstuck (put it in 4WD). 

Joe & Wayne loaded up several cords of wood on Joe's truck.

We had dinner late; hubby started to fall asleep on the sofa.

We went to bed at 10:30PM.

Ben woke me up when he was out in the back yard barking at something for over 30 minutes at 3AM. I had to potty then get him to come inside. I did not see anything with my flashlight.

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