Saturday, May 03, 2014

Cloudy Day


Woke up at 3:00AM to pee, it was horribly warm in the house so I opened up the back door and the windows. Much better with cool air blowing thru.

Got up at 7:20 when hubby's phone rang (who the fuck calls on a Saturday so early???) and made breakfast. Eggs for dogs. Sandwich for hubby.

We took dogs to Athol to get hubby a latte. Drove thru town barking at town dogs.

Got latte then drove down to park for walk. Walked on our old bicycle trail. It was not as windy in the trees. On the park road, we saw a couple biking.

All the dogs were thirsty when we got back to the Bark Ark.

At home, hubby dropped me off at the house and he tried to put gas in lawnmowers but they would not start. Darn. Have to try fixing them tomorrow or take them to Lawnmower Repair. Lawn weeds/grass are already about 10 inches tall now. Looks shaggy around here because of too much rain. Difficult to find dog poo in tall grass.

I did laundry & dishes back at the house. Cleaned the floor again. Gave Lil Bit a bath.

Hubby came up to the house at 2:00 to go into town for automotive parts. On the way down Clagstone with Bud & Ben riding in the back, we saw a dog cross Hwy 54 and almost get hit. Then it ran south on Clagstone. Karla was pulling into her driveway and saw the dog. Hubby pulled over and I got out. The dog ran into my arms. It had a tag on it! Name was Annie. Hubby called lady and she did not even know her address! Put Annie in the back of the Big Red Dually and she rode there quite well. We said we would drive down Clagstone and she said she would wait at her drive. So we drove all the way down Clagstone to where it curves. Lady finally drove out her car. Said she was watching dog for the neighbors. Keeping it in barn, but it got out. Such a cute little dog. I wanted to keep her.

Drove into town. Hubby decided he was going to race #3 along the roads. Going over 80 mph. I told him to slow down or risk getting killed or ticket.

Bud's crooked ear in the wind

In town, he picked up parts and I ordered pizzas. In the Automotive Store, hubby complained about his hands not being able to pick up parts, parts counter guy said his dad tried Dr Crane in Sandpoint and he is a miracle-worker. He suggested getting an appointment with him.

Some strange family pulled up to me in parking lot admiring Ben who was hanging his head out the window while waiting for hubby in the parts store. To waste time waiting for pizzas, we drove to Hayden Avenue to get lattes.

Ben puts his head out of the window

Got pizzas at Dominos.

We then drove to Rathdrum. Hubby made check deposit in bank. We got burgers for dogs at McDonalds. Drove home. I spilled my drink on the floor in the truck. Good thing we had car mats to catch the spill. Hubby dropped me off at home. Fed burgers to dogs.

Bud & Ben sleeping on the way home

I rode down to shop on bicycle with Bud & Ben running with me to shop to ask the name of the doctor in Sandpoint so I could do research on him. When I rode back to the shop, I took Maggie with me. Gave new t-shirt to Wesley (new minion at the shop) and gave two small size t-shirts to Tim's daughter.

Came back and ordered Lancome perfume online.

At 7:00, I drove the FMF with Bud & Ben while hubby followed us with a customer's truck to Post Falls. We dropped it off. I waited in car with dogs. Some lady driving by on the residential street stopped, backed up, rolled her window down & said the dogs were SO cute. I said thank you.

We drove home thru Rathdrum to get more dog burgers for Maggie & Lil Bit.

Got home and went to bed after watching some tv. I was really tired.

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