Monday, December 10, 2012

SOOOOOooooo Tired


I got up to let Ben out at 2AM. He had not made any accidents! I had to wake him up to go potty. Then after he came back in, I went up to bed. However, I did not fall asleep. I laid awake for hours. and hours. and hours. Finally fell back to sleep at 5AM.

Hubby got me up at 6:30 and I made his latte & sandwich. I tried to go back to bed after he left, but it was no use.

I finally laid down on the couch to take a nap, but was woken up 8 minutes later when all the snow fell off the roof & hit the deck! What a noise.

I am tired.

I shoveled both decks, fed deer & while we were out... Bud decided to roll in poo.

So I had to give him an impromptu bath on the deck. He was mad.

Tried to address Xmas cards, but printer jammed. Have to have hubby unscrew it because it is REALLY jammed in there.

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