Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wish You A Merry Kris-MOOSE

While at my garden window, filling my cup with water for green tea, I espied a big bump in our backyard. Thinking that a tree had fallen, I looked out the sliding glass door to find...

KRIS-MOOSE. He was resting on the snow, having found our salt lick. Panicking, rushing for the camera, finding that the batteries were dead, I desperately attempted to replace the batteries while calling for my husband at the shop. While quickly dialing, I was repeating the mantra..."pick up the phone, pick up the phone"; he finally answered, and I told him to run down to the house so that he could view The Biggest Moose I Have Ever Seen!

Greg brought Bruce, who happened to be in the shop with him, and I finally got the batteries loaded into my camera. We stood on the deck for about 45 minutes in the cold, talking and joking while Kris-Moose just licked away and paused to look up at us. He did not have any fear of us. We were only 15 feet away from him. What a beautiful animal.


Ernie said...

Why would he fear you? He could eat your for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

How cool! I miss seeing wildlife walking though the yard.

Anonymous said...

Wow,, this must have been amazing Bob,, lucky you! So glad you managed to get that photo
B x