Saturday, December 09, 2006

I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas

We stayed up very late last night so that we could talk with our baby in the UK. Hi BABY!

Did anybody notice the repeating pattern of CHRISTMAS SONGS in my titles lately?

These are the glass ornaments we made. Greg's is the perfectly round blue one. Mine is the egg shaped pink one. The artisan actually stepped back and away from my hubby when he was twirling the glass in the fire. However, when I had the chance, the young man did not release the hold, and I was forced to "twirl" the pipe while he was assisting me. Obviously, hubby has more experience with molten glass.

Christmas is fast approaching, along with depressing month of January close behind. But this January, will be different. The Amazing DigiScrapping Race at Natural Designs in Scrapbooking will commence. I look forward to winning with my teammate, Theresa Hernandez. I just KNOW that we will ROCK the house!

*note to any grandkids in our future-Grandpa & Grandma really enjoyed the TV Show HOUSE starring Hugh Laurie.

Hubby is still in pain from his EMG test yesterday. The doctor was sticking long needles into his skin to touch the nerves. So Greg has extensive bruising on his left leg and he says it feels like severe cramps where the needles entered. Poor baby. Hope he gets better soon. Last night I tucked him into bed after giving him more pain medication.

I think that on Monday we might go to Spoky-Jo to get our Christmas pictures taken at Kiddie Kandids. That place is so amazing. Wish they had been around when KRL was little.


Theresa said...

House is the best show on TV. Ever! Sorry to hear Greg is still in pain. But that procedure sounds just horrid. I don't think I'd ever got back to the doctor after someone did that to me. Not even if it was House.

Anonymous said...

Why does/do the grandkid(s) need to know about your love of House? Sorry you had to stay up so late to talk to me. We miss you both and love being able to talk to you when we can.