Friday, December 29, 2006

Pants Off Dance Off

Yes. I told him that if he runs around the home without clothes on his body that I would post it for all to see on my blog!

This is the man I married all those years ago. Slobby shirt, knobby knees, tag out of his shirt, 1 sock on/1 sock off, saggy white briefs, t-shirt flapping.

He was in the kitchen last night, making toast for himself as a late night snack to go with the glass of wine we were having.

This is what makes a marriage. The day-in, day-out boring unimaginative things we do with each other. It isn't the exciting, jetting to Paris to drink champagne at the top of the Eiffel tower. It isn't looking to find something better. Love is Familiarity. Sharing the same secret looks. Knowing what the other person is going to say before they even think of it. Sharing. Our home. Our children. It's finding contentment with the person you are living with; sitting down to dinner every night, brushing your teeth and going to bed with the same person in the same bed. Every night.
For the rest of your life.

How exhilirating.

We played several games of Yahtzee last night even though it wasn't Monday night. It was a draw at 2/2.

It looks like he might be off until Feb 14 as that is when he receives another injection to his disc. He contacted his supervisor and she had received approval until that time.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Now that right there is a REAL man. Only a real man can be photographed like that without fear. Awesome, Bob!