Tuesday, November 09, 2021


Up at 5AM after daylight savings time - it was still dark. Cool. 
I made lattes & Nanogreens.
Hubby made breakfast eggs for dogs & fed them.
He cleaned cat litter. 
I went to pick up dog litter.

We watched morning news. 
I drove the FMF and Hubby drove the new RV. We drove over to the Pioneer Center and parked the RV. I gave Hubby a ride to the shop and dropped him off.
At 3PM, Hubby got home and we loaded dogs into Dually. The trailer was still hooked to the Dually and we drove to Washington, Utah to return it. 
We were early, so stopped at the Dog Park for the dogs to play. Wilson was having LOTS of fun playing with the big dogs. But all of a sudden there was a dog surge onto a little white Terrier. Tater tried to nip/attack the terrier after all the other dogs were called off. His collar had turned over, so Hubby could not shock him. 

We got Tater away and had him sit to calm down. We finally left the park after everyone else did. 

Drove to Val and Mike's house. Dropped off the trailer. Talked to them for about an hour. Sun went down. There was an obscene sewage smell in the air. So we left. 

Tried to find the corn dog vendor on the other side of town, but he was already gone. 

Hubby wanted food, but nothing good over there. He stopped to get a smoothie, but it was too cold and did not taste good.

We drove home. 

Stopped to get my phone, but the guy who had ordered it was not there and it was "locked" in his locker. Hubby made an appointment for tomorrow at 6PM to get it. 

We drove home.

Let dogs out to potty.

I made chicken salad for dinner with a new hot latte. Took a marijuana gummy for pain.

Hubby made chili and peanut butter sandwich for dinner. 

I took a hot bath. 

I went to bed at 8PM.

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