Sunday, January 26, 2020



Where did January go? It is almost over.

Got up at 7AM to make lattes. Hubby was already up. He had been up all night long with the dog going out every 2 hours. I had taken a Percocet last night because of pain in my right shoulder.

Hubby made eggs for dogs. He made himself a burrito. He was watching his Automotive shows.

We watched more balloons from the Mesquite Balloon Festival. Could see them from our home.

Balloons On Sunday From Our Home

Hubby woke up at 10AM and took a shower. He gave the dogs bathes while showering. I dried the dogs off and took Wilson outside to blow dry him.

After that, we sat outside on the patio. Dogs barked at people walking past.

Then we went down to get the mail. It was another bill from Grand Canyon for the ambulance. I sent another copy of my insurance card to them. There was also a bill from Remington Water and I wrote a check for them.

Hubby sat inside and watched Automotive shows. I went outside to sit on the patio in the fresh air.

Saw Rainbow.

We watched TV and went to swim at 4PM.

Came back home and watched TV.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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