Saturday, November 02, 2019



Got up at 6:30AM. I turned on the oven and took out the Egg Bake mixture that had in the fridge overnight; then I put it in pans and popped it in the oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

The inspector guy walked thru next door with the dogs out and Tater only gave one little bark!

I made lattes.

Hubby got up and we both took a shower together!

Took off the blankets & sheets on the bed. I started laundry after getting out of my shower. Then I dried my hair.

I took the egg bake out of the oven and let it cool. Hubby cut it up and fed the dogs. Then he dished up some for us and we sat out on the back patio to eat breakfast. Hubby had to listen to Earth, Wind, and Fire today.

Hubby went out to the sideyard and fixed the watering system that the dogs had dug up. He also filled in the dirt that they had dug up on the side yard.

We went down to the Veterans Day Parade in Mesquite at 10AM. Found a really great parking place on South Yucca Street. We parked at an angle on the street next to the intersection.


After the parade, we then drove to Walgreens to see if the Doctor had called in my prescriptions there. He had not. The nice pharmacists registered all my info into the computer. Which SHOULD HAVE HAD my info if it was transferred from Mesquite Pharmacy that closed recently.

We went to the Hangar Party at 11AM. $5 Donation to get in; included food, music.


Lunch At Hangar Party

Walked around and looked at the various hangars at the Airport.

Had to wait for food at Hangar Party. They had hotdogs, potato salad, beans, water, and chips.

Music was good. We stood for the Showing of Colors, and National Anthem, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Watched Skydivers come out of the sky. It was fun watching them.

After the Hangar Party, we drove to Walmart to see if they had my prescription there. Hubby drove thru instead of walking inside. They did not have any prescription. So the Doctor did not call anything in to any pharmacy in town!

We went inside the Mattress Store to see if they had camper size mattresses. They do not stock them. Have to measure our size mattress in the Camper.

Came home. I put away laundry and put more in the dryer.

Hubby brushed the car clean. LOL.

I put more clean clothes away. Put dishes away.

Then we drove down in the Expedition to measure the camper mattress. It is a full queen size mattress. Drove down to Mattress Store again and he attempted to sell us a NECTAR with 365 return guarantee for $699. Kinda expensive. We will research online.

We went to shop at Walmart. Needed Laundry Rinse, Milk, and Foil. So we bought some other stuff. Turkey, Swiss, Mini Croissants.

Returned home and gave dogs chicken tenders. Unloaded groceries.

Researched NECTAR online. LOTS OF BAD REVIEWS. Not buying there!

Went to Amazon and compared beds with Nectar bed; purchased a Sweetnight mattress. It appears the same.

It should be delivered by Tuesday; I researched online for the Nectar and they had lots of BB reviews about shipping delays, refusal to honor the 365 return; lots of damaged beds delivered.

We watched TV for a while; then walked the dogs at 9PM.

I got massive cramps before we left for the dog walk. It was awful.

Took a hot bath when we returned. Still had to take aspirin.

Went to bed at 10PM. 

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