Monday, November 04, 2019



I could not sleep with the dogs pushing me and forcing me out of the bed. Both of them were so HOT and I was sweating. So I got up and went in the front bedroom to sleep.

The cats scratched at the closed door, and I got up to let them in to sleep with me; but both of them scratched on the carpet, tried to open the closet door, and walked on top of me. I was not getting any sleep, so I had to get up and get the water spray bottle to hit them with it when they scratched at the door I closed again. 3 times I had to spray them before they got a clue.

Difficult to sleep last night. So very cold in that room and everything was hurting on me. I seriously thought about getting up and killing myself. It was that bad.

I need to call the Doctor's office today and find out what they did with my prescription

I took a hot bath at 5:45AM. Heard Hubby in the kitchen and the dogs came to find me in the bedroom.

Then I made the bed and made lattes in the Keurig.

Hubby warmed up egg bake again.

I had egg bag and 1 pancake. We sat and watched Spokane & Las Vegas news on TV.

Then we cleaned up breakfast dishes.

I picked up dog poo. Hubby got the cat litter. He raked the rock up on the side of the house and took out the litter to the garbage can.

I updated our calendar; called the Doctor's nurse looking for my non-existent prescription - left a message; put laundry in washing machine.

Hubby vacuumed.

Hubby called and ordered Coconut Cream Pie & Pumpkin Pie from Veyo's Pies for delivery on Nov 26.

He left at 10:30AM to go down to the shop to work on backhoe.

I put clean dishes away. Put away clean clothes.

Watched Endeavour on TV.

Dogs napped outside in the sunshine.

Hubby got home at 2PM. He changed clothes and had a quick sandwich.

Put dogs in the kennel.

We went down to the Pioneer Center in the SXS; Hubby had cleaned it & detailed it inside the other day.

Played Bocce Ball for 1 hour. I own - 13 to 5.

Then we drove home and made Pumpkin Fudge. Hubby stirred.

 Pumpkin Fudge

I threw in another load of clothes into the laundry which were from our dusty ride the other day that we had forgotten were still out in the garage.

I cleaned up the Bocce Balls because they were very dusty & dirty from rolling on the dirty court.

Then I cleaned up the dirty, dusty stuff that was in the glove compartment of the SXS.

Hubby watched Automotive shows.

I sat outside and had Hubby come out to light the fire pit. He finally came outside and sat with me. We stayed out until 7:30PM when it got too cold and the dogs barked at a couple walking past.

*As a side note, I am so damned depressed all the time with this illness. I believe that this has been undiagnosed for years. These are the same symptoms I have had to fight for quite a while now, they have just magnified in the past few months.

The overwhelming feeling of sadness and misery with this pain that I am experiencing and can't even describe. Pain. All over. All the time. It depressed me that I can't touch my Hubby. Other people touching me is just excruiating. I am a hugger. Always have been. It is awful now.

And the dizziness over anything. I can't stand up, bend over, look up. I am dizzy and nauseated all the time.

Nothing makes me happy anymore and I am afraid that I will never feel a smidgen of happiness again. Just nothing.

I am not getting enough sleep at night with this damn disease and Daylight Savings Time just pisses me the fuck off because it is so useless.

I need to take a hot bath for the pain, but I really would just like to get into bed and sleep. Real sleep.

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