Friday, March 08, 2019



I woke up with pain again at 2AM. I took some Pepto Bismol and went to sleep on the sofa as it was too hot in our room. I should have turned on the fan, but did not think about it.

Let Wilson out to go potty. Then I heard his scratching at the door and let him inside.

I fell back asleep and either died, or had a very vivid dream about Bud visiting at the house here in Nevada. I played with him for quite a while in our living room. Then I saw my mother at the sink in the kitchen. We talked quite a while and I told her everything was going on. She seemed to know already. It seemed so real, as if  I were dead too. I could not wake myself up from the dream and just resigned myself to being dead.

I thought it odd that I did not dream about Harriet, Lil Bit, Zeus, or Isabelle. They have all passed away, too.

I woke up at 3AM. Went back to sleep again on the sofa.

Woke up at 6:00AM when Wilson wanted to go outside again.

I called hubby and talked to him again.

Then I made eggs for Wilson. He had no left-overs today!

I vacuumed. Started dishwasher & laundry.

Opened e-mail. Sun City announced that the Verizon Cell Phone Tower is now working.

VZ Cell Tower

Watched Twilight Zone today.

Walked down to get the mail with Wilson.

Hubby called several times. He stopped at Numerica to open a checking account.

Then he went over to the DMV to register the Can-Am.

JB Hunt delivered our 3rd Microwave! The guys installed it and left in about 10 minutes!

I watched TV for a while. Could not get sleepy.

Took a hot bath and some aspirin at 10PM.

Went to bed at 1AM.

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