Monday, July 30, 2007

Up 'til now

Thursday- Day in Spokane; Waiting to do hair. Various errands. Costco, etc. Stopped at this place for a Granita in the 98 degree weather. 'The Wakeup Call'.

Friday-Break ground on building.

Saturday - Continue working on pad site for building. Joanie & I went to CDA to the Farmer's Market. Bought neat jewelry, got GREAT lattes, bought HOT beans for Greg, bought quilt.

Then we went to 3 bead places (Joanie is going to teach me to make bead jewelry) and then Michaels. We got a wonderful quiche at a place in town.

After we finally made it back home and took quick showers, we ran over to Spirit Lake with the guys to eat Mexican food at that great restaurant there. Then got ice creams - While waiting in line, I spied two 10 year old boys who were diligently counting out their coins to get malts. I nudged Greg and when they went to the cash register, we paid for the malts as they were in front of us-at first they didn't want to accept...but Greg talked them into it. They thanked us profusely and went on their way. It was just a little Random Act of Kindness that warmed my heart. We then walked in the park & picked up milk on the way home. Gabbed at home and showed the guys all our wonderful purchases. The guys just looked at neat car parts in automotive catalogues that Greg just HAPPENED to have lying around... Joanie & Chachie went home later and we watched tv for a while on our new DirectTV DVR, then went to bed.

Sunday-Greg continued working on the pad site, clearing trees-piling slash-delimbing trees-stacking wood-digging pit; While I went to Spoky-Jo to get my hair done at Strand-Z with Quincy (who is just a delight!) She did an AWESOME-MITE job on my hair. She was quick, efficient, and is now my hairstylist for LIFE.

Monday- Made breakfast for hubby, packed lunch for hubby, did 3 loads of laundry, paid bills online, watered all my plants outside, picked up pinecones, took a nap as I was exhausted later. I worked on my jewelry; Got the mail and a lot of surprises that I had ordered. Some are for Kelsey-sure hope she likes them.

We will go tomorrow to pick up wife-beater t-shirts for Matty-poo as Kelsey requested we purchase some at Old Navy for them.

1 comment:

xashee's corner said...

Sounds like you have been so busy, but having some fun!!
oh i hope you love making jewelry, bead work can be tedious but oh soo much fun!!
Have a WONDERFUL day :D