Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Positives Vs. Negatives

Negative- I broke a toenail on the clutch in the Mustang.
Positive-My puppy came with me to visit my friend. She got to visit her doggie friends!

Negative-I accidentally stepped into burning hot water when I was soaking my feet.
Positive-A kind young man suggested several things to help my cracked & bleeding feet when I visited the Super Supplement store the other day...

Negative-Verizon Customer Service Rep called (only after I filed an FCC complaint)
Positive - I got to carry on another rant & rave session because they messed up again. So I get to file ANOTHER FCC complaint! Woot!

Negative - Not being able to exercise yesterday
Positive-Spending the morning with Joanie, learning jewelry design; then hubby brought pizza over to share with Joanie & Chachie.

Negative-Kelsey will see her surprise necklace here!
Positive-Sharing a picture of Kelsey's new necklace I designed with everybody!

Negative-It was hot yesterday!
Positive-Got to spend 1/2 the day with my hubby in Spoky-Jo.

Negative-Having to wash the truck in Spoky-Jo
Positive-I walked the puppy dog while the hubby vacuumed, then we went through the touchless drive-thru wash!

Negative-Having to ask the clerk at Old Navy where the "wife-beater" t-shirts were located (how embarrassing) The t-shirts were for the son-in-law.
Positive-Finding some super cute shorts & sweaters for myself in the meantime!

Negative-Fat thighs
Positive-Purchasing Fit/Flops on-line and wearing them. I can already feel the difference!


Tommie said...

Am reading on a almost daily basis your great blog.
But almost never have time to write a reply to your post..
(shame on me, sorry....)

What a beautiful necklace you've made for Kelsey. Am sure she will be thrilled to receive it.

Just curious, where on earth did you find those stunning flipflops??
they look really comfy and on top of that also stylish.

Hope you feet are feeling well soon..
Never knew how much you use them unless they hurt huh??

Lots of love and gett well wishes from the Netherlands,


Anonymous said...

Where did you get the cool looking sandels.