Thursday, August 09, 2007

Can't Remember Squat!

I almost forgot again!
Today we get our bed! Yippee! I had to call Fed Ex and find out why it was not delivered as was scheduled yesterday. Well, they had our name listed incorrectly, so they couldn't call us. Plus, they didn't have a phone number for us listed on the delivery. Somebody once asked where I ordered it was from eBay.
But I wanted to share Xashee's Layout she sent to me. Using designing-on-the-edge products. Thank you so much for sharing!

And also Layouts by Carla.
Thank you for sharing these great LOs!
stitching by Miss Vivi (Home sweet Home Kit) Eyelet ribbon by Pillowgirlscraps
Vintage frame by Designing on the Edge.
Fonts crykitty and FG Matilda


Theresa said...

Isn't memory loss like the first symptom of menopause? Not like you're getting old or anything...

Yay on the new bed!! That rocks! I'm sure it will be super comfy tonight!

Theresa said...

Dude, how's the new bed? Or have you not gotten out of it since Thursday?

Anonymous said...


Is that your alpha in the purple layout made by Xashee? Just curious. : )