Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday Stuff & Misc

It was quite a challenge to wake up on Friday morning as Greg had a call-out on Thursday night. The phone rang at 3AM and I immediately thought it was bad news; totally forgetting he was "on-call" this weekend! I went to my dentist appointment early in the morning at 9:00AM - - he took x-rays, examined my teeth (of the teeth that are left) and listened to what I wanted. I have a return appointment on Tuesday afternoon to discuss what can be done. I went to Michaels & the BeadStore in CDA to pick up a few things to finish some pieces. Then coming home, the traffic was bumper-to-bumper! A drive home that usually takes me about 20 minutes; took me 45 minutes!

On Saturday, Greg went to Bruce's to help him set his poles for his pole building in his backyard. I met them down there and went with Joanie to take our Dichroic Glass class; It was fun, but not challenging. The shop bakes your jewelry for you; and all you do is assemble it. Here is a pic of the pendants I made.

There was a horrific car accident in A-town that took the life of a young girl and left her brother & sister in critical condition at the hospital. None of the kids 19, 17, 15 - were wearing seatbelts and the driver ran a stop sign straight into highway traffic where the speed limit is 65! The guys mistakenly thought we might have been involved and called Joanie & myself on the cellphone. They were quite panicked, but relieved to find out that we were OK.

However, Joanie & I saw the traffic to Dillywood & Farragut was backed up bumper to bumper; with cars stopped on the highway from Dillywood all the way to Interstate 90; I have never seen it quite that bad. Do they know that there are OTHER ways to get to the park? Other roads?

We drove by the Conoco (formerly the Texaco) on the corner on the way to Greg's call out Saturday night and saw that a mini-van had burnt completely to the ground which had been parked right next to the Conoco station. Half of the building had been scorched. My sympathies are with the new owners to have to deal with something so distressful directly after their purchase of the station!

Sunday morning, Earl was here early at 7AM to fix Joe's water truck; and woke us up. We had gotten in late last night as Greg had an emergency call out with VZ. We had to rush to Sandpoint to do a locate; then went grocery shopping afterwards. We got home at 12:30; to bed about 1:30.

Greg had problems with his back, and had to sit around for a while. We finally got going to get a latte at 12:30; walk at 1:30p. It was a beautiful cool day. Highs about 77 degrees F; Isabelle loved the walk. We found quite a bit of ephemera; a tie tack; a quarter; 4 different beer tops;

When we returned home; Greg watched his automotive shows and I worked on necklaces. Here are some new ones I made.

Hi Theresa! In answer to your question; it's a headboard & footboard; we still have the old mattress & boxsprings which is a softside waterbed. We have to get the OLD bed out of the loft first and it weighs a ton. I need to have a couple big guys with good backs haul it out; then install my new bed. It will be tomorrow or the next day before it's all done! Then I need to call the carpet cleaners to have the carpet cleaned before all the new stuff is installed. AND we need to pick up a new TV at Costco so we can watch TV in bed (Greg has to mount the flatscreen on the wall) These things take time!

What do they always say? Mañana, Mañana!


xashee's corner said...

You are doing a FANTASTIC job on those necklaces!!! They are beautiful!! :D
Thank you for posting my layout, i LOVE your creations and was so pleased how it all works together!!
Love your blog and thanks so much for EVERYTHING!! :D Have a GREAT Day!

Inma said...

Sorry about the accident :( it's sad something like and more knowing that they could be alive and had suffered less injuries if they would've used a seatbelt. :(

The jewellery you're making is awesome. :) Those pendants look wonderful and very chic, thanks for sharing the photos with us. :)

And I hope you get you're bed in the bedroom and the other one out of it so you can enjoy it. :) And also that everything works well with the dentist. :)

Best wishes.:O)

Inma said...

I knew I have forgotten something LOL I didn't know you say that in America as well, so just in case you want it with the right typing:

"Mañana, mañana"

I guess you don´t have the Spanish language settings, and I always think it´s really weird to see it written that way. But it's very funny that you like to use Spanish words, :)

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