Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Black Eyes & Blue Skies

Yesterday, while using the gas powered trimmer, a rock flew up and hit the bridge of my nose. Fortunately, I was wearing safety glasses, but my eye swelled up and is all black & blue. And to save myself from any further distress, I am not going to share the picture with you. Staying off the computer yesterday afternoon helped a little and I got very little done.

But if you would like this neat heart & my patriotic twirly, you can pick them up HERE. (sorry about that. internet s.u.p.e.r. s.l.o.w.)

Things I have learned:

  1. The Pillsbury Dough Boy will never show up in your kitchen to help, no matter how much you need him.
  2. Women can never have TOO many shoes.
  3. Men can never have TOO many t-shirts; and you had better NOT throw any of them away, even though they are worn and ragged.
  4. Just as it is always darkest before the dawn, work clothes are always dirtiest before they are washed.
  5. I do NOT have a green thumb. More like a black one. Even my evergreens turn brown. Ever-brown.
  6. Contrary to all notices- my computer ISP access will not work on the clearest, sunniest of days. (today)

Yesterday, while using the gas powered trimmer, a large rock flew up and hit the bridge of my nose. Gosh-what are the odds of that happening? Fortunately, I was wearing safety glasses, but my eye swelled up and is all black & blue. And to save myself from any further distress, I am not going to share the picture with you. Staying off the computer yesterday afternoon helped a little and I got very little done.

Isabelle shot out of bed this morning from a dead sleep; she raced down the stairs at full speed...thank goodness hubby was out of bed so that he could open the screen door for her. And ran outside at full bore so she could chase a varmint that is running around the distributed brush piles in the yard. *I really DO need to get that debris ground up this weekend. We will have to get a chipper/shredder. Note to self.*

I got bit on the right leg just below my knee by some toxic bug/spider. It is taking forever to heal. Bugs/mosquitoes/spider bites are always so very bad for me. I swell up like a balloon and some have even left scars. When I was a kid, my doctor said I was allergic to bug bites!

Thank you for all your concern. It is so very pleasant to read all the kind comments. And MaggieM...I signed up to the forum, but haven't had a chance to comment on any of your great layouts. I love looking at layouts, but rarely get the chance to do anything without DSL. BooHoo. But hope to have DSL soon. Crossing my fingers! LOL!

Our weatherman around here...(we call him the Chief! because he is the Chief Meterologist Tom Sherry. The announcers always pronounce his name in capital letters. So hubby and I always refer to him as the Chief!) has announced that the weather will be 100 degrees F on the 4th! With a low of 60 degrees F that night. We'll seeeeeeeee...

Hope you are ready for lots of Fireworks this week. Happy Independence Day to all in the US; Belated happy Canada Day to all my northern friends.


Anonymous said...

Oh Sweety Im sorry to hear about your accident...I dont wanna think about what could have happend if you had those glasses off..I hope it doesnt hurt too much...big hugs

xashee's corner said...

me too, i am soo sorry to hear about your black eye & bug bite!! i hope you feel better soon! Thank you so much for the awesome freebie!! i LOVE your style & talent! i hope you have a WONDERFUL, SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY :D

Demetria said...

I hope you get better from your accident. Thank you for sharing your talents!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this red, white & blue freebie. Happy 4th and God Bless America!

Kathy's Scraps said...

Thanks for the great RWB items! Love patriotic things!!

Advertise your digital scrapping blog FREEBIES here:


Found off my blog: http://kathysscraps.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious. Im laughing. Thanks for making the updates on www.DigiScrapDepot.com go faster today. Im glad I chose to follow a freebie to your page. Keep up the good work. Stay away from the Trimmer.. I repeat.. Sounds like you better stay out of the outdoors for a while girl lmao.

PSharp said...

Lovely hearts. Thank you.