Sunday, July 08, 2007

Never on a Sunday

Bayview Daze was OK. There wasn't too much interesting there and a lot of vendors were very expensive. We had ended Friday nite by eating at the Rib Ranch with our friends Joanie & Chachi, then went to their home to chat for a while.

sidenote-Joanie & Chachi have "rescued" 3 Greyhounds (Little Girl, Maggie & Fargo...) from their former racing lives. The poor little things are just starved for affection! They rub up against you and will implore you with their eyes for petting. They also have a little white Corgi named - - Shorty! Shorty rules the roost and even tho he is small enough to walk under the Ggreyhounds, he herds they around! Our dog, Isabelle, gets along with them quite well and will stay at their home while we visit the kids in December.

shabby circus alpha by mel johnson; zigzag stitching by natali; frame by me; font-palatino linotype

I want to go to the Rathdrum City Days July 20-21. Sounds like they might even have amusement rides there.

Sunday was a day of rest for us. We gave the dog a bath first thing in the morning; Greg made his own egg omelette; then we stopped for lattes on the way to Spoky-Jo.

Stopped at Costco for a few necessities; then got our new 48” shower stall at Home Depot. Looked at Furniture Row for a new bed-but everything is so large and overwhelming. We both want something simpler in the bedroom. Greg had to make a stop at Harbor Freight for his requisite tool-shopping.

Isabelle ate some vanilla ice cream in the soft green grass at a park…and we all went for a walk afterwards. The dog ran after rodents that had dug holes in the ground. High-tailing it around the area, she raced from mound to mound until her tongue was hanging on the ground from her exertions! She lapped up water from her bowl, then we headed home.

We stopped at the hardware store on the way as we had forgotten to pick up some metal screen – some birds have pecked away a huge area underneath the eaves of the house! As that area will have to be replaced and I can already anticipate that it will be almost impossible to match that exact color-we will put up the screen temporarily so no other obnoxious vermin get into the attic of our house via that huge hole~

After unloading our purchases, we discovered that the kids had called & left a message. Kelsey! We have a life! Sometimes we actually get OUT of the house.

We sat outside on the deck after the sun had started to set and it was getting cooler. Watched the traffic go by on the nearby road; listened to the birds as they chirped in the trees; and listened to Isabelle snore as she was stretched out between us. What a life.

So check back tomorrow for more Freebies. Hope you had a great Sunday, too.


xashee's corner said...

Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL weekend :) i just wanted to thank you for all you do and i downloaded your cool dangly flowers! i LOVE them! :D
Have a GREAT day!

~HS said...

I added you as site of the week for my readers. You have a great blog and some absolutely fabulous creations.