Thursday, July 19, 2007


Quiet here. Rain last night & some of today cooled it off considerably. I hope it really helped out the surrounding forest fires...those firepersons need relief. My heart goes out to those who have lost their homes. Summer is always treacherous with dry conditions.

Word Paperweights can be picked up HERE

Oh! And the last we heard...though not through OFFICIAL that the DSL date has been moved to August! ROFL! At least it's still this year. Let's see. We started with it has morphed to Fall...

We purchased Premonition starring Sandra Bullock and will watch it tonight. I will give you my opinion on it later. Then we are sending it to the daughter & son; along with House, Season 1. Kelsey subscribed to NetFlix and likes it well enough, but since she lives in the UK; they are having problems getting her returns. So we will see what happens. They liked House so well, that they wanted to purchase Season 1 but were unable to find at the Base. So I told her I would pick one up here and mail it to her. I wanted to view Premonition because of the neat coming attractions, but had no need to own it; so the DVD is going to them. They have an Amazing collection of DVDs. But I think that they will find down the line (like we did) that if you purchase these, another new media type will be waiting around the corner to make yours obsolete!

I apologize for the delay in getting my freebies out. So I decided to batch them for you all at once. Yesterday was a mad house here and today, the freebies are just not cooperating with me.

Pick up Transparent Tape HERE

As delighted as I was with the remake of Wicked Game by HIM; I ordered it on Amazon; along with some books. Then I purchased some neat things on . So many talented people there. And I sent off for some shoes at Enough shopping already.
You can see that one of my word paperweights has my favorite words on it - love, chocolate, shoes & COFFEE! I don't think I could live without it. Never before was I this addicted to it. My addiction grows worse everyday. Maybe I need an intervention? Nope-I don't.

Hubby has an egg sandwich every morning; then I have to pack his lunch. I try to find interesting and exciting things to put in his lunch bag (usually my Merle Norman sacks as they are strong and have a nice strong handle-he refuses to get a lunch pail); so the other day I had boiled some eggs-along with onions. Great taste, huh? Then I put the eggs in a storage container with...Greek Pepperoncini, Pickled Mushrooms and Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil. He just Loves the combination!

Once I put the stuff in the container, I quickly wash my hands and try to stifle my urge to Urp! Ugh. Can't stand pickly-stuff. Blithely going through life...filling his arteries with pickled everything... and also the spicier the better for him! He and our daughter used to compete to have the Hottest, Spicy food...they would see which one could eat it without drinking water!

Flag Pins can be picked up HERE

I have an appointment for the dentist on Tuesday. Finally going to have my teeth pulled (they hurt SO badly) and get those dentures. My brother got a full set of dentures at age 27. He loved them. His teeth had very long roots-most of them were decayed-and he brushed & flossed & rinsed Every Day, 3X a day! I believe that bad teeth run in our family! LOL! And as I chipped a major piece of tooth on a stray watermelon seed yesterday, hubby decided that the time has come for them to come out. Horrors - - When I bit into that watermelon, the last thing I expected was for the tooth fairy to make a special visit in my mouth~

I picked up the latest magazine of Bead Style and became entranced with all the wonderful jewelry that you can make for yourself. My friend has a rock fetish...I suppose that you could call her & her husband...Rock Hounds! They travel all over finding the prettiest rocks. They have also purchased some from eBay. Now...I can understand trying to get rocks from different areas...but paying for a rock? Unless it is a diamond! LOL!

But they gave us this beautiful pink rock that sits in pride of place on my fireplace mantle. A very pretty, distinctive rock. I can't remember what they said it was...I don't care-it's just pretty!

Get Push Pins HERE

The daughter and I are fast consulting with each other on our next ADSR2 Challenge. We have to work together to complete 1 LO using a doodle, the color red, flowers, 2 photos, and the subject must be friendship.

I really need that motivation to scrap and the Race is a great challenge to stretch ourselves. Usually, we scrap in private. Don't participate with anyone else!

So I am having tons of fun doing it. The blog is even fun to update.
And thank you for the suggestion of 7-11 trinkets! Hmmm. Why 7-11? Is that some neat kink that is popular now?
I see my friend, Shawna commented. Moseying on over to her blog & seeing what she has...Hope the kids are having fun this summer. Any baby news yet? Hi Shawna (waving!).
Isabelle has been racing after some chipmunks that are hanging around. She dug a 2 foot deep hole in the rock garden beside the house...trying to find that little bugger. It squeaks and drives her crazy! I really enjoying having that dog. Watching her run and play is the biggest kick.
Cleaning house is on the agenda for tomorrow. I really NEED to vacuum. There is dust and dog dander and dog hair everywhere! Gee. I wonder why? We must have a dog.
And last but not least...we lost our fat little girl fish (we ASSUME she was a girl-we didn't know) yesterday. SO sad. She has been with us for about 5 1/2 years now. Poor little thing. The other two gold fish were being mean to her and pushing her up & out of the barrel. So I separated them. She got really dreary...and then just wouldn't come to the top. Hubby was very torn up about it. We had a funeral for her this morning.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all the great elements.

Anonymous said...

:) - you saw my news I see - YAY, they boys are having a good summer, although we have been a bit stir crazy!
I LOVE these paper weights, they are so cool! you are rockin' it with the freebies!

Brook said...

I love the paperweights! Thank you so much!!! I love it!

Maria said...

Thank you so much for the gorgeous freebie! This blog post has been added to the freebies list at

Inma said...

Sorry about the fires and about your teeth, it must be a pain to have such a fragile teeth. :( I hope everythign with the dentist goes well. :)

You seem to have lots of news, the DVD should not be difficult to find in the Uk. Surely will have that kind of stuff and they do deliver and cheap and there are no problems with any kind of product. They are actually very good if there is any kind of problem. At least they've been with me. :)

I share with your husband and daughter the love to spicy food. And knowing that a bit is good for yourself, is always been a good reason for me to go for it. LOL

The paperweights and tapes are really nice, thanks so much for sharing them with us. :)

Best wishes.:O)

mel hains said...

thanks for the freebie!
much love,

Anonymous said...

these are just so fun! thanks a ton.

Melberry said...

What a basketful of gifts you've given us ... these are all fabulous, but I'm particularly drawn to the marvelous paperweights. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Golly you sure have been busy makin' neat-o stuff! These are all sooooo great!
Too much rain's depressing. I wish I were there to eat hot stuff with dad. I sure do miss proper hot wings. Boo hoo. Tell me when CDA gets a Buffalo Wild Wings.

Anonymous said...

olga9999: We can't watch UK DVDs because they are encoded differently, we'd have to buy a UK entertainment set up (which would cost us a lot of money since we're poor American military folks) and since we leave in only 2 years it would kinda be a waste. Plus our American system also exempts us from TV tax.

xashee's corner said...

Thanks so much for all the WONDERFUL goodies!!!! and i pray everything goes well with your dentist appt. Hugs :)
Have a WONDERFUL day!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful ideas! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love your work Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. Tapes are very useful....

PSharp said...

Thank you for sharing all you wonderful goodies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for sharing these pins

Twinmfg said...

Thanks so much for sharing the push pins and tape. I really like them and look forward to using them on some of my pages.