Thursday, April 18, 2013

Forgot To Post


Made hubby a latte & burrito. Made eggs for the dogs.

Did 2 hours on my elliptical.

Hubby came home and sat with us for the night after he met some people at the shop at 6PM.


Cleaned house. Vacuumed, Dusted, Cleaned windows, Washed dog bedding, Steam cleaned floor.

Did 2 hours on my elliptical.

Ben vomited in the yard; a whole lot of uneaten dog food. So I was somewhat concerned. I was going to watch him to make sure he was OK.

Ben chewing a stick

Ben sleeping

Picked up Tramadol pills for Isabelle at Vets at 4:30.

Hubby came home and organized work at shop. Then came to the house at 6:00.

Went to Spokane with hubby to drop off stuff at Don & Lucille's. Stopped at Big R for dog food & deer food. Took Maggie in with us. She made a hit with the girls at the cash register.

Hubby drove up Division because I hate going to Spokane at night. Talked to Lucille while hubby discussed parts with Don. Left dogs in truck. Then we drove to the Valley for Arby's burgers for dogs & to get Krispy Kreme donuts for hubby's work buddies. Ben vomited in the Xcursion so I had to clean it up while hubby walked dogs. Somebody had smashed glass in a plastic bag nearby where we park the Xcursion, so I had to move the vehicle so dogs would not walk into the shards.

We drove to Stateline where hubby got gasoline and I walked Lil Bit. Then we got groceries at Kmart. Let a couple cut in front of us because they had a baby and only had one thing to get - Cigarettes! Assholes. A small baby out at 10PM at night, and the father asked for the "cheapest smokes you have". OMG. Get a clue & quit smoking around your kid you POS.

Drove home and unloaded. Went to bed at 11:30.


Made hubby breakfast & latte. He took a shower this morning. We watched to see if Ben would poop, but he did nothing outside. So I decided to make a Vet appointment for him.

At 8:00, I called the Vet. We went in at 9:45. I took Bud & Lil Bit with us and they waited in the car. The Vet took X-rays. I left Bud's fecal sample for testing.

After viewing the X-rays, the Vet decided it was Gastroenteritis; an inflammation of the gastric tract. So he prescribed medicine and a bland diet for a few days. 

When we came home, I went out to pick up poo. I had already given Ben his pills. Ben ate a little grass outside and then vomited 3 times, mostly bile. Along with the grass. I searched through the vomit, but did not find the pills. 

I exercised for a couple hours. 

When we came home

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