Sunday, February 04, 2007

Too Much Time On My Hands...Styx

Well, after finishing this WONDERFUL layout about my beautiful baby...doesn't she have the most beautiful eyes...I had some excess time on my hands. And since I just adored the pins that Cindy Simon created, I thought I could try my hand at them.

And since my BABY'S BIRTHDAY is on VALENTINE'S DAY, I am making Love oriented pins.

This is a sample.

Then I asked somebody if she would like to give a whole bunch away for FREE in a promo for Valentine's Day. She agreed; and I will give more info as I find out.. I'm just SO dimwitted about all this digi-designing stuff. So I really DON'T want to be a designer, but it was fun to create these beautiful things.

I have gotten back up to 1 hour on the elliptial and I have finished with the kidney infection medication. Kelsey reminded me on a phone call the other day that the last time I had a kidney infection was while we were living in Denver. Over 15 years ago. The doctor misdiagnosed it as flu; and I was subsequently admitted to the hospital. Stayed there for 3 days while I had IVs packed full of antibiotics. I was so dehydrated and my kidneys had started to shut down. The emergency room doctor said that if I had waited 1 more hour, I probably would have been dead. There was one nurse that I was reminded of...she was probably another of those D students...she came into my room in the middle of the night, turned on the bright light above my bed, and proceeded to tell me she was there to inject more medication & pain killer into my IV. What? You wake an invalid up at 3AM to tell them this? Instead of doing it S.L.O.W.L.Y. like the other nurses; she just jammed the whole thing in there at once. I screamed in pain and then whimpered like a baby bunny the rest of the night. It had felt like my veins were being wrenched wide open and filled with liquid molten metal. I can only hope that she is lying in a gutter, begging for handouts. What goes around, comes around.


Theresa said...

Ha! I had a bunch of nurses like that when I was on hospital bedrest with the boys. They wouldn't let me bedrest at home because they didn't believe I could get enough rest at home. But with nurses coming in and turning lights on all night long, I was getting any rest at the hospital either.

LOVE your pins! I'm way looking forward to seeing them all!

Also? I'm glad you didn't die 15 years ago. My life would be empty and meaningless now and i would have no idea why.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh pretty LO!
I'm glad you didn't die 15 years ago too. I always remember you being in the hospital for kidney something. I never knew a little UTI could get THAT bad. Stupid doctors.
Those pins are pretty. I will have to go grab them when they're put in the shop. WTG mom!