Monday, February 05, 2007

Pinned to the Wall

I worked on some more pins today. Then had to zip them and send them.
Ugh. Over 3 hours later, I finally had them all sent.
DSL will be here in the Spring. When does Spring start?

My baby has always been very artistic. I think that she is one of those that is controlled by the right brain. Theories postulate that this side is the dominant side.
My brain is controlled by the left side...logical, precise, analytical and controlled. Well maybe not TOO controlled.

If the rodent did not see his shadow the other day and we are in for an early spring, there was no evidence of that here today. Hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow. I have not seen a weather forecast for here, I refuse to acknowledge the winter weather anymore~

I do believe that the elliptical is helping. The inches are finally coming off in a more noticeable way. Since I have jumped back into 1 hour or more per is getting easier to do longer periods of time. I say...well, I have done 30 minutes, I can go 45. Then I say...I'm at 45, I might as well go for 60.

The dog threw up in the living room today. She must have had a bad tummy. She only went outside twice and hung around on her bed the balance of the afternoon. Have to watch to make sure she is better tomorrow.

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