Sunday, January 28, 2007


This is an antibiotic that the doctor prescribed for me. I have been battling an infection since Tuesday and it finally just became too much on Friday night. Greg took me into the Emergency Room on Saturday and the doctor diagnosed a kidney infection.

On the upside, my BP is 120/70 and I have had no fever. Just intense, horrible pain. But the pills that I took were so much worse. I finally had the hubby get on the internet to find out the side-effects. Migraines, Nausea, Vomiting, and Depression. In the final throes of death, I vowed that I would have to see this doctor burn in hell. What insane maniac would prescribe such medicine?

And even though I felt like a freight train ran over me today, I still managed to drag myself to the computer to document this information. So if I am dead by Monday morning, then future generations will know who to sue!

Obviously, I have to get a new prescription (if I live that long). But on the upside...I am an M&M.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Oh no!! It's Monday, please don't be dead! Also? Love that wild blue hair?