Wednesday, January 10, 2007

5 Secrets Tag

5 Secrets (I sure hope George C meant ME when he tagged Bob-does he know any other Bobs?)
and these aren't as much secrets as much as "little known facts".

1. I WAS HORRIBLY SHY IN SCHOOL. This lasted from junior high all the way through senior high school. It was probably as a result of developing enormous breasts in the 4th grade and being voluptuous instead of stick skinny as many of the girls were at that time. I remember always crossing my arms in front of my chest; holding my books up against my chest, and wearing bulky sweaters. After high school, I lost quite a bit of weight, so that when I attended college, I was quite slender. So I blended in a little bit more.

2. NEVER WENT TO PROM. Nobody ever asked me. I was devastated. Stupid boys. Later in life, I got to share the excitement of shopping for the dress, getting the hair done and getting asked out for prom when my little baby attended her 2 proms and participated in the Junior Miss program.

3. We had a graduating class of over 500 students in the school I attended in the midwest. So I DID NOT ATTEND MY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. I had hated high school and didn't want to endure it any longer; I graduated in mid-year of my senior year, so I didn't go back as I was already enrolled in college. However, I more than made up for it when I graduated from college. At the graduation ceremonies, I strutted my stuff across the stage and waved to all my friends & family (and Greg) who were hooting, whistling, and hollering in the audience. The dean was somewhat pissed, but who cares!

4.Um. I HAVE A CRUSH ON KEVIN REESE. I think he's only like 24? But he is kinda big and my husband used to be when he was young. So I think that is the reason for that. Kevin is SO dreamy. He is one of the kids that hangs out down at the shop with Greg. Kevin would probably be horrified to know that a woman as old as his mother would want to...ya know. I won't go into explicit detail here because I know my baby reads some of my blog and she doesn't think her parents do that stuff. Anyway, I don't really feel as old as I am. I still FEEL like I'm 26. As you get older, you will understand what I'm talking about. My 30s seemed to go by in flash, and the 40s are not slowing down.

5. When we owned a 4-wheel drive shop in Denver-Colorado Off Road Specialties, we hosted some of the Monster Truck events at the auditorium there. The guys from the store (employees and the ones who "hung out") would do flagging, vehicle control, measuring, etc. My friend Michelle & I did the ticketing at the gate for the Monster Trucks and their owners/drivers. Afterwards, I GOT TO DRIVE BIGFOOT! We met Bob Chandler (the owner), and his driver...I can't remember the guy's name, but he was dishy! He boosted me up and showed me how to drive it. It was exciting.

So there you have it. But don't worry. I got lots more secrets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, yes I meant you (ARE there any more Bobs in the world?)

VERY nicely done, thanks for playing!