Sunday, February 18, 2018



As we woke up this morning, the opening of mini blinds revealed even more snow; wind blowing horizontally, and cold snap of 18 degrees F. This is one awful winter.

Hubby got up to make eggs for the dogs. He fed them while sitting on the couch. Checked Ben's feet extensively. Fed Wilson on a plate of his own.

Hubby re-cooked the meat that we had last night. Actually game out pretty well when cooked in Yoshida's sauce and all the rawness was cooked out. 

I made lattes. Put away dishes, and started laundry. Had to wash Ben's bedding because it was awful. HOW does he get it so dirty?

Then hubby settled on the couch to enjoy his automotive shows.

I updated some credit card info on our streaming account; updated my new credit card that I received in the post.

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