Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Still Cool

July 23 2014

Got up at 5:30 because we went to bed so early last night. Hubby took a shower while I got another 30 minutes of shut-eye.

Then I got up and made breakfast for everybody. Hubby fed vitamins and eggs to the dogs.

I fed the chickens, fed the fish, and re-filled the deer fod.

I was so tired from taking the allergy pills that I took a nap on the couch for an hour.

Then got up and made spinach snack for the chickens. Went down to get mail.

Did laundry & dishes.

KRN called me in the afternoon.

Then at 4:00; hubby called to let me know there was a storm coming. KRN had already texted me about the storm. I got everything outside covered up and brought other stuff inside.

The storm hit and there was high winds, lots of rain, really hard rain. Dogs were scared and would not leave my side.

We lost power about 5 times, then permanently at 4:30. I reported the power outage to the automated system of KEC via phone. Time passed slowly without electricity; it was really boring. I played games on my iPhone until hubby got home at 6:00.

Hubby had a little dinner, then we took the dogs for a walk in the park. On our drive down to the park, it was obvious that from Athol and farther to the east, the storm had really gotten worse. Lots and lots and lots of trees were down everywhere. Across the road, across power lines. Kootenai Electric was out trying to repair downed lines everywhere.

We walked the dogs in the park. The Bike Riders were out again for Wednesday Night Bike Ride. There were also people out flying model airplanes on the airstrip.

After we walked the dogs, we drove down to the boat to make sure everything was ok there. Somebody had walked on the boat and tracked goose poop on to the carpet. The small door at the back of the boat was open.

We secured everything and then drove home. Hubby stopped at Lil Town Market to get milk & ice. They were ringing groceries up by hand with cash only. Escorting people to the back to find what they needed because it was dark & then did not want thieving.

At home, we put the ice in bags and put them in the freezers. Went to bed early. Suddenly, my back started hurting. Hubby rubbed me down with Ben-Gay.

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