Monday, July 14, 2014

House Cleaning

JULY 14, 2014

Got up at 4AM because my hands were hurting so bad and took additional Ibuprofen. Then slept until 7:45. Did got not get up to make eggs for everybody.

Started cleaning.

Fed Fish. Collected Eggs. Dropped 2 eggs. Whoops. Balled watermelon. Gave watermelon rinds to the chickens.

Vacuumed house. Washed dog beds. Washed floors. Vacuumed rugs. Power washed rugs. Washed more bedding. Washed clothing. Washed towels for boat. Did dishes. Put dishes away.

Accidentally power washed my left hand. Skin burnt & bled.

By 4:30, I was finally done.

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