Friday, June 08, 2007

Mom! Mom! Mom!

OK. What 26 year old idiot who is richer than snot calls out for her mommy when she is being sent back to jail?

You know already what I'm going to let's consider this rant already done and get on to other things. I don't want to waste anymore valuable time on this p.o.s.

And...what is that crap with Kurt Busch? NASCAR needs to bench him permanently for the balance of the season and require that he takes Anger Management classes. This is a classic demonstration of - duh - - Road Rage! He literally got a slap on the wrist. "Ohhh. Bad boy. Don't do it again." (insert my sarcastic tone of voice here) Are all of the NASCAR officials insane?

But. On to better things. I had a horrendously bad dream last night. I dreamt that my son-in-law died. Ugh. How awful. This just came out of left field. I have no idea why I was thinking about this. It was not in my conscious thoughts. He is in no danger, yet I had this awful nightmare. So, I had to call the kids up today to make myself feel better. And while I was on the phone to my baby-Kelsey...I read that there is glut of back logged passport applications.
As we are visiting the kids in December, we need to apply for those passports ASAP. Hope the Immigration Dept. can get them to us in 5 1/2 months! We will visit M&K in the UK and do the tourist-thing in Italy, France, and Germany. Maybe Ireland, too. Depends upon time.

Thus, the hubby and I rushed off to have our mugshots...I mean...PASSport photos taken. We will process the applications on Monday. And I just had to share the mugshots with you. As soon as I saw them, I knew what I wanted to do with them. Aren't they just so cute? I can just imagine them in the Sunday supplement of the newspaper. Just wait until we get our 15 minutes of fame!
Why, oh why...didn't we get our passports when we were in our 20s? We would have looked young and pretty then. I could have had my Mexico & Canada stamps on the passport. The passports then would only would have cost $50 instead of $150! Oh, well. Hindsight is 20/20!
I promised yesterday that I would be sharing the Alpha-Tile with you. Get it HERE.
We visited the Chiropractor and I had him take a look at my poor little pinky finger on my left hand. He said that finger is directly linked to the lowest neck vertebrae. So he worked on that. It isn't feeling that much better, so I will go in again. Kevin is the best chiropractor ever. He can help with anything.
Hubby goes in for his final spine shot on June 14. Hope it is the final one. They usually don't give them anymore than 3. But this will be his 4th! They are trying to re-generate his nerves by stimulating his C-4, C-5, & C-6 by injecting steroids directly into them. Ouch. A big needle is inserted directly into his spine. G-ross. They won't even allow me to be with him while he gets these, so I have to sit (un)patiently in the waiting room & freak out while he is alone back there. Ugh. Maybe I should dose myself with alcohol to make the wait less stressful. That Stoli Blueberry looks mighty good!
While we were in town, we also stopped at Costco and picked up toilet paper, paper towels, & dishwashing detergent (necessities-LOL!). Got 99 cent cheeseburgers for Isabelle at Wendy's after getting our passport photos.
But I still forgot to stop at NW Beauty (see? it's dangerous to go without a list!) to pick up my spray-in conditioner for my hair. Back to Basics Sunflower Leave In Conditioner. Smells great!
My dumb questions for today...
  1. Why do bra manufacturers always discontinue the bra I love.
  2. Why do I never buy enough in advance, knowing that they will discontinue the bra I love.
  3. Why does your favorite shirt/pair of jeans always wear out and you have to trash them?
  4. How many is TOO many lipsticks?


Kimberly said...

"OK. What 26 year old idiot who is richer than snot calls out for her mommy when she is being sent back to jail? You know already what I'm going to let's consider this rant already done and get on to other things. I don't want to waste anymore valuable time on this p.o.s."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! LMAO! I couldnt have said it better myself. PLEASE may I quote you on my blog! I was going to blog about this, but this is just says it all!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot!!!
If you want I've got a little freebie on my blog for you...

jsj said...

Thanks for sharing!!

Bob said...

LOL! Anybody has permission to quote me or use anything else they want from my blog!

Catsrul said...

Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard! I think it's funny. I'll have to look on CNN and see if they have any footage running. Still irritates me that the Sheriff's Dept. took it upon themselves to let her serve her time at home! Anyway, thank you for the freebie!

Mellykat said...

1. Love the tile alpha.
2. Love the mugshots.
3. Hope the passport process is speedy for you.
4. Hope the chiro works wonders for you both.
5. Occasionally I buy two bras or two pairs of jeans that I love...
6. There is NO SUCH THING as too many lipsticks!

Melly :)

xashee's corner said...

Melly sums it up quite nicely :) i could ditto her with the exception of that ol' #5 there lol :D
thank you soo much for sharing your creative talents!! Have a GREAT day!

Kathy said...

I am a die hard scrabble fan but can't get anyone to play with me =[
But I did get in one game this winter and got photos so these are perfect-thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the freebie. I also wanted to send you a link for a LO I did using one of your frames. I have made more since I have a ton of Mucha prints that are just the right dimensions to fit the frames. HUGS.

(my email is addicted2scrappin at gamil dot com)

IkeaGoddess said...

Lovely alpha, thanks for sharing.
The bit about Paris and your life's ironies sure made me smile. Love your sense of humor.
Have a great weekend.

Carol said...

Oh I absolutely laughed when I read your first words. You needed to put a warning label on this post, I snorted my cup of tea that I was sipping way up my nose with a giggle. hahahahahaha Thank you so much for the alpha, I love it, perfect for games night layouts. You are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the alpha and the passport reminder. We're taking the kids up to Manitoba for Christmas and they MUST let me back over the border - couldn't stand to live with the inlaws forever!

Have a great weekend and great snotty brat rant. Totally agree with you there.

Theresa said...

so, in the first one, i know who you're talking about, but the next one... Kurt who? Maybe he should drive drunk, go to jail, cry hysterically and get let out and then go back in so i know who he is.

Cute, cute, cute alpha though!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the it! I also appreciate your posts of reasons for folks not to come to ID...I graduated from U of I awhile back and near Lewiston before that. I'm still in ID...but in the south (you know...that area of that state that doesn't believe there is anything north of McCall). Love the mug shots...

Amy W. said...

I loved the frames and now having the alpha will make an even better layout. Thanks oodles!

AZPatch said...

Boy, do I ever agree with you on that bra thing. I went back for my favorite bra and they made the straps longer. The straps were perfectly fine. Now I have to adjust them so they are almost doubled or the "girls" will be at my waist!! :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the alpha - will definitely be using it. And on your european trip - try to include Ireland :) (PS I live in Ireland, in case that wasn't obvious!)

Rona said...

love the alpha! thank you!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the cool alpha!

HeatherB said...

This is the best scrabble alpha I've seen. Wonderful!

Some answers for you...
1. Because it is a conspiracy...not sure why, but it must be!
2. Because you are an optimist by nature.
3. If you wear something 24x7 for 4 years, it might just wear out sometime! My 4 year old can go through a pair of jeans in 2 days. Go figure!
4. 42. Oh wait, this might be the answer to some other question...

Thank you for sharing! Good luck with the passports.

Lilaclady said...

thank you for the alpha, I loved the frames you put up earlier and I was ummin and arring about whether to throw out the 'Mom' one...(I'm in Australia) now I don't have to throw it out...I can just put a 'U' over the 'O'....thanks so much !!!
Hope your DH back gets better after that spinal shot...ouch!

Janine said...

The comments you guys left here cracked me up.
Thanks so much for the alpha. They're just fabulous.

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome alpha..thanks so much! And as to the snot - well said!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the alpha! I just used it for my Me and My Pug Layout! :)

Kyky said...

Thanks so much for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing such a lovely alpha with us all,

Huggz Tina from Oz