Thursday, November 30, 2006

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

As of 9:00AM Thursday November 30, 2006.

You can see from the evidence of the picture that it is a dark & dreary day here.

Snow, Snow, and more Snow. We had another 4 inches last night.

We do all our decorating by ourselves. It is thrillingly fun to get out into the woods, or climb up on the ladder to secure the lights against the house. No joy would be had if we were to hire somebody else to do this for us. We both eagerly anticipate the day when the grandkids can come see grandpa & grandma’s house at Christmas time.

It has been awfully difficult to come up with the motivation to digi-scrap. I am busy and it is such a chore to download for me, but I have an awesome collection of ideas & pictures. I want to scrap so bad, but when I sit down to do it, there is just nothing there. Blah. Blank. It feels more like the middle of January than the beginning of December.

p.s. all of north Idaho and eastern Washington has been hit by the stupidity of the tire stores cult-like brain washing advertisements of STUDDED SNOW TIRES.

You can certainly tell it is winter by the noisy crackling of studs hitting BARE pavement around here. Excuse me folks, just think about it for a moment. METAL on ICE? does that make sense? Why not just slow down, drive with more care, drive more defensively. My husband and I grew up in Iowa where the snow drifts were 10 feet tall, everybody had 2-wheel drive, and we drove slowly at a reasonable distance. We were taught mandatory winter defensive driving in high school driver's education. One year, even the all-wheel drive Road Grader with all tires chained up which they used to plow snow got stuck in our subdivision because of the extreme snow drifts.

Come on, THAT's pretty bad weather. Schools would be closed for DAYS...

The only thing that studs do, is ruin the roads that much faster.

Yes. I love my four-wheel drive SUVs, but there is no reason why our two-wheel drive is not just as good in inclement weather.

And. There. Are. NO. Studded. Snow. Tires. On. Any. Of. Our. Vehicles.


Theresa said...

I'm totally cracking up about the studded snow tires. Such a foreign concept. But man, that picture is postcard perfect! How beautiful!

Also? Answer your e-mail girl! I'm dying here!

Anonymous said...

THAT'S where you live? Wow,, awesome,, I'm jealous!