Saturday, November 25, 2006

It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas

Greg had quite a bad night last night. Lots of pain. So he went to bed quite late...and we woke up late. I staggered out of bed at 7:30 to feed the fish, then fell back to sleep afterwards. We finally got up at 11:00 and both of us felt beat.

His friend Tom, from the machine shop was here to start work on his truck bringing his wife. So I entertained the wife while Greg & Tom worked on the truck until 3pm.

It snowed another 4 inches. There is quite a lot of cold, white wet stuff covering the area.

Washed the truck in town, got lattes and then stopped at Kmart/Fred Meyers to check out their Christmas areas. Walked the dog. Looked at Christmas lights in the neighborhoods.

Worked on Gifts & sent to bed EARLY!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

I'm way jealous of all the white stuff. Send some my way okay? And a latte too. Just cause.