Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Dud

The Thanksgiving tradition of misfortune continues…we again lost electricity for 4 hours on the night before Thanksgiving. KRL will remember that one year we lost electricity ON Thanksgiving day! Fortunately, we had already roasted the turkey that year. We celebrated in the cold with candles & served coffee to the technicians who got to come out to our home on the holiday for overtime and restore service to us!
They were here for about 5 hours that year.

Yesterday was spent sitting like couch potatoes, waiting for the hours to pass until we had to leave…reservations were for 7PM--We had planned on eating at the Resort, but when I went to change clothes I came down with the mother of all migraines. I usually don’t suffer with these, but this was the worst that I have ever felt. I was going to tell the hubby to take me to the emergency room. But with a heating pad to ward off the chills, an ice pack on the back of my head, and cuddled under the down comforter…no lights, no sound; I finally was able to fall into an abortive sleep. Therefore, SO depressing=No Thanksgiving for us.

Got a foot of snow last night! Then icy conditions tonight.

We ran into town tonight for the annual Christmas parade, walked 10 blocks in the freezing cold, (we caught the last of the parade) the crowds have gotten totally enormous. And watched the fireworks display. Greg got Hudson’s hamburgers while we waited. Isabelle was quite dismayed at the noise. But it lasted for over 20 minutes, which is somewhat better than the 4th of July fireworks!

On the drive home, we detoured into a couple neighborhoods to look at the light displays.
Ours is the best, however.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Oh no! Bob, I'm so sorry to hear about your migraine! That totally sucks, and the lack of power, really all of it... You know, I'm going to expect pictures of the amazing neighborhood light display. Soon. I'm like that you know.