Sunday, November 12, 2006

No Sno

Saturday-It was partly cloudy, and Greg wanted to find out where we were to drop the Mercedes for the painter guy to install the new we went looking for his house (painter guy had moved recently). We ran into some wild turkeys again...and a deer along the road. When we arrived back home, I managed to capture the image of some Grouse that were walking through the woods.

Greg took the new Dodge to get Line-X (polyurethane protective coating) installed in the truck bed. We got black. It looks SO good. While he was there, I ran down with the Mustang to pick him up and we went over to Spoky-Jo for a last color test for my hair.

We came back and his truck was finished. He drove thru CDA as a guy that had hauled the 6X6 called to meet him; and I drove directly home. However...the sky turned black dark and down came the rain. I was praying that I would make it home before the heavens let loose with snow.

Sunday-We strung up the Christmas lights on the trees and ran out of extension cords. We also installed the Snowman on the front deck, the Fucking-Reindeer on the back deck, and the new Penguins on the outside steps. It was raining and miserable. We decided that a further trip into town for more lighting apparatus could wait until tomorrow. I worked on Christmas presents...and Greg relaxed by the fire with Isabelle.

There is severe weather predicted for tomorrow. About 8-10 inches of snow? I'll hold my breath.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...snow...maybe we will see some of that next week. Kinda forgotten what it's like. Good thing you got the new truck to play in the blizzards with.

Theresa said...

Christmas lights? Before Thanksgiving! That's just so wrong. And what's up with all the wild turkeys? Shoot one already, eat it and then it'll be after Thanksgiving for you and I'll be able to handle the lights a little easier.