Monday, October 02, 2017



We slept with 2 windows open in our bedroom.

Got up at 3AM to potty. The two stripe kitties were sleeping on the round dog bed.

At 7:00, got up and made eggs for dogs. Egg sandwich for hubby. Made lattes.

Dressed to take dogs to the Park for a walk. It was very cold. Only 39° this morning.

Hubby went down to the shop at 8:45AM to unload the Excursion from the trailer.

Took the dogs for a walk in Farragut Park, parked the Dually and trailer on the side road and walked down to the Brig. Ran into a nice couple from eastern Washington that talked & walked with us. 

Loaded the dogs up after the walk and giving them a little water. Drove back home. Unloaded dogs. Made another latte.

Went to pick up Jeep Cherokee from Ari over in Treeport. Put it on the trailer. Found news that some shooter in Las Vegas had killed a bunch of people. Shocking.

Drove back to the house. Hubby pulled out in front a truck on Hwy 54. I yelled at him. 

Dropped me off at home. Got the mail on my bike. 

Hubby left to take King Ranch to the shop & go to Doctor. 

I did laundry, dishes. 

Cleaned up dead mouse body in basement. 

Brought Kayaks into the house.

It rained.

Deer came. We need to get more deer grain.

Hubby got home at 6PM. Guy from California was here to look at the shop. He stood outside talking with hubby for 1/2 hour.

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