Thursday, March 30, 2017


MARCH 30 2017

Got up even though I was dead tired and made baked egg breakfast and latte for hubby.

Fed ham to the dogs.

Hugged hubby as he left.

A little patch of SUN this morning after hubby left, but then it turned rainy.

Wilson went outside barking his head off and I saw a coyote run thru the woods. Decided to close the doggy door for a while and keep kitties inside.
Bud sleep on Sofa

Hubby called and said that while Mark was hanging out at the Casino again, somebody had stolen his truck with his dog, Jack inside. Hubby said that I had to take the Dodge down to the shop and park it in front of the doors, however idiot Mark had parked the plow Bronco in front of the man-door just so somebody could squeeze into it.
Hubby called a locksmith to re-key all the buildings. I will have him re-key the house, also.

I cleaned up the cat litter around 11AM.

Did laundry & dishes.

Started to wash all of Ben's pillows on his bed. They stink.

MARCH 31 2017

Received new hallway rug

Joey & Fluffy

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