Tuesday, January 06, 2015

January Boring


Could not wake up today. Hubby had to yell at me.

Finally got up and made cheese eggs for dogs. Made egg sandwich for hubby. Hubby sat around until 7AM before he left for work.

I fell back to sleep on the couch for a couple hours. Then got up and did laundry & dishes.

Fed the deer.

Hubby got home at 7:30PM after stopping at Dave Smith Motors to try to do a deal.

We looked online for vehicles again. Filled out 1099 info, listed a few vehicles on Craigslist.

Went to bed at 11:00.


Could not wake up today. Hubby had to yell at me.

Finally got up and made cheese eggs for dogs. Made egg sandwich for hubby. Hubby sat around until 7AM before he left for work.

I still could not wake up properly. Then I was feeling odd and canceled my nail appointment. Re-scheduled it for later in the week.

At 9:00AM, my daughter texted and came over by 10:30. She arrived at the same time that Joe was plowing the driveway.

A young couple came to look at the Excursion along with their 2 daughters. They took it for a test drive.

KRN and I talked all day then she went home at 5:00. 

Hubby came home at 7:00 after working a couple hours OT. He watched tv for a while, then went down to get the Tan dually at 8PM. I took him down there in the Excursion. I came back home and made chicken & onions along with a side of wild rice. Hubby came back at 9PM. He ate dinner. We went to bed at 10:30.

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