Wednesday, January 07, 2015



Got up this morning not feeling as tired as I have been in the mornings. I think the key is to take my sleeping pill earlier in the night; around 10PM.

Made cheese eggs for the dogs; made egg sandwich for hubby. Hubby got out of the house late today - around 7:10AM.

Then I did the laundry & dishes.

Fed the deer - Ben & Bud & Maggie came outside with me and ran into the woods.

I put the dogs inside then went down to get the mail; Mark & Jack drove in to the shop.

I took clean fresh water in a gallon jug & some ham down to the shop for Jack.

Made baked chicken; made BBQ chicken.

The UPS delivered our check.

Hubby came home to pick me up at 6PM. We drove into town with the tan dually; went to the dealership again to test drive the OTHER Polar edition Jeep Wrangler. It was much better according to hubby. Better tires, less mileage, and newer.

signing paperwork

So we made the deal with Garrett who said that he would share the commission with his cousin Logan at Dave Smith Kellogg that hubby had been talking with all week. Trade-in for the tan dually was negotiated at a fair price. But hubby forgot to bring in the title with us, so he will have to complete the deal tomorrow.

Jeep Wrangler Polar edition with Rubicon tires

After signing all the paperwork, we stopped at Wendy's on the way home to get burgers for dogs. And then stopped at Albertsons to get laundry detergent, bread & some hot wings for hubby.

At home, I fed burgers to dogs & put away groceries. Hubby went over the paperwork again. Went to bed at 10:30.

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