Sunday, December 08, 2013

Xmas Decorating

December 8, 2013

Hubby was up with Isabelle last night. Ben jumped into bed with me & slept for a while around 4AM. Woke up at 8AM to get breakfast started. Made breakfast sandwich & latte for hubby.

Only 2 degrees. Too cold to go for dog walk.

Got dressed around 9AM. Some guy walked up the driveway and wanted to get into hubby's shop to get his tires & wheels. Hubby was really irritated to be bothered on a Sunday.

When hubby got back about 10 minutes later, I had Xmas music on Satellite TV and was starting to decorate. We went downstairs to basement and cleaned up back room. Then went thru all the Xmas decorations in the TOTES to get out what we needed to put out.

We hauled everything upstairs & started decorating.

Hubby started making dog grog. We made pea salad & boiled eggs. Hubby said he had no pickle relish & needed to get some.

While we were decorating, Lil Bit peed on the drapes by the door! Even though his doggy door was open! He was a bad dog! We had to wash the drapes.

I ordered Abercrombie sweaters. I uploaded Xmas music to iTunes.

Around 2:00, we got changed and went into town. Took Bud & Maggie with us. Ben was VERY MAD that he got left behind.

Listened to new Xmas music on the way into town.

We drove to Latte stand on Ramsey&Prairie to get lattes & Xmas tree. Hubby was upset that they charged $45 for a 5 foot tree! We looked at a 6 foot tree, but it was too expensive at $55. Said if we get a live tree ever again, that we have to go to Camden Ranch. The tree sales place had no burn barrel, no Xmas music playing, no free hot chocolate or cider. What a rip off!

Then we drove over to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get KRN a Xmas present.

After that, we went to Walgreens. I had to poo there. Bad tummy. Did not find 1/2 the stuff on my list. Hubby was mad that it cost so much for the stuff we did get!

We went over to Wal-Mart to get the rest of the stuff on our list.

Not enough checkout cashier's and the lines were BACKED UP! Hubby was upset again. We got in the 20 item or less aisle and a nice kid named Stuart checked us out. He was polite.

Then we drove home.

Hubby warmed up dog grog for dogs. We put away groceries from WalMart. Then collapsed on the couch. Watched stupid shows on tv, then went to bed. 9 degrees at 8:30. Brrr. Hubby got a chill and sat on the couch covered up with the heating blanket.

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