Friday, December 12, 2008

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

I stayed home with the dogs yesterday while Kelsey & Greg went to investigate property over in Airway Heights, WA. The property that she wanted has risen to $63,000 and the real estate agent was very pretentious. Not a place that she wanted to live.

So they went to another subdivision real estate agent and talked to him. She should hear back from them by Monday. Hopefully, things will move along better.

They also stopped at the base to get groceries & a pizza on the way home. This pizza was gi-normous. About 3 feet across. We only had 1 piece each.

While they were out, I decorated more around our property. Brr - it is getting cold! I have a total of 33 trees wrapped with 100 lights each, plus our blue icicle lights that are hanging from the garage & decks - along with the penguins & snowmen & snowflakes- there are a heck of a lot of lights out there. Hopefully, we want to wrap all the trees along the lane & back into the woods some bit. The only problem is that the color comes off the bulbs, some light strings burn out for no reason...I much preferred the large C6 bulbs so that you could screw them in when they burnt out! Some used to come in the shape of pinecones.

Of course, I have to irritate the neighbors by installing my fucking reindeer on the deck. They are so cute. While at the post office recently, we were asked if we were going to put them up again. We are notorious!

After the fiasco of the tree tipping over twice on Kelsey while she was decorating it, nothing much has been going on. Kelsey is not very enthused about Christmas this year, which is entirely understandable. She is away from a loved one. Hope Matt is doing well overseas. We are proud that he is representing our country.

Bravo is doing well after being neutered on Tuesday. He was mopey & tired when we brought him home that night. Isabelle also visited with the vet that night - she had a benign cyst on her left cheek that had to be lanced. Poor dog. She is now on MORE antibiotics. That dog seems to live on meds.

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