Tuesday, April 01, 2008


The Rooter Guys came out to suck our septic yesterday at 1PM. Larry was only here for about 15-20 minutes. Our septic won't have to be sucked for at least another 2 years he said!

Talked to Kelsey on IM yesterday for quite a while. She said there are 60 days left until they return to here for a visit! I'm so excited. Have missed the kids so much since we left UK.

My daughter also introduced me to http://www.ebates.com/ which is a buying site where you can earn cash rebates depending upon the stores you shop at through this site. Say, for example that you shop on-line at Target, Wal-Mart, or Victoria's Secret. If you go register at ebates, then shop at these stores through this site, you earn cash rebates. You can also earn a $10 gift certificate just for signing up!

This will be interesting to see if I actually will earn money back!

Our friends - Joanie & Chachi's dog Fargo (these are the people that adopted 3 former racing greyhounds) is having surgery today on an abcess on his right hind thigh. Poor thing is the most timid of all the dogs; but I think that he really likes me when I go over. These dogs are truly beautiful; have no extra fat on their bodies; and do really run like the wind! When they play out in the fenced backyard, they sprint by so fast that you almost can't see them!

Tomorrow, I believe the Greg-ster is leaving with Joe-Amigo & Chachi to go to the Portland Swap Meet. I won't be going (an all-boy's thing; ya know!). But they will be gone for 4 days. What will I do with myself? What WON'T I do with myself? Hmmmmmm. What trouble can I get into? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Rick said...

We're on septic too, but I think we might have a great capacity - five years between pumper truck visits. Or... maybe... (How can I say this nicely?) you produce more stuff?

What a mean thing to say, after you were so nice with your comment on my blog.

Thanks for visiting.
