Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Greg's BDay

Pretty soon, my husband will be having another birthday. It's a big one.

Will probably get him a chocolate with white frosting cake - it's his favorite!

I have already ordered a couple automotive related t-shirts for him; sent for a cute "Monster" energy drink journal (so he can keep in the truck & write notes) bought him some new white socks; and gotten a cute vintage metal sign for his shop.

He also needs a tubing bender, so he will have to order that. Last night he was also moaning about needing another auto lift in his shop, so he doesn't have to rotate vehicles between just maybe he should get another one. I would have to talk him into it as it is a major expense- - but he would save so gosh darned much time not having to fool around with vehicles all the time. He would be able to spend more time working on them instead.

Isabelle's birthday is on the 21st - Greg's is on the 29th. Have to be thinking about getting Izzy-bell something special, too.

Last night, we watched the pay-per-view movie - Gone Baby, Gone. It was pretty good.

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