Friday, March 16, 2007

Where DOES The Time Go?

I looked at the date of my last post. It was THREE days ago. Where does the time go? I am supposed to blog everyday. Otherwise my Alzheimer's will catch up with me and I won't know who I am or what I am doing.

Yesterday I had a telephone call from my daughter in the UK; We talked for quite a bit until my hand went weak from holding the phone. It always lifts my heart to hear from her.

Then I worked a little bit on some more freebies that I will have ready to post this weekend. It is so exciting to me that people enjoy what I am doing. It brings me so much pleasure to create and give it away. I also am scrapping a fun page and will post that soon...hopefully.

And I just need to let you know that it is so exciting to hear from all of you from. It is amazing that there is an ability at our fingertips to contact people all around the world. I read ALL the comments and it touches my heart that you appreciate the things I put out. You are all very welcome. Thank you for all the kind comments.

And yesterday I was busy downloading stuff from my hangout-NDISB.

The March Collaborative kit is coming out soon. Primavera de Firenze. You cannot believe the amount of things in this kit and they are so very beautiful. Bright, colorful, delightful. Designed for YOU by the talented Designers & Artists - Amanda Stevens, Anita Stergiou, Barb Speck, Becky Clawson, Cindy Simon, Helena Jole, Lori Giles, Monica McClain, Nina, SherArt, TaniaJPS, Theresa Hernandez!

P.S. A cheeseburger bird is the name that my husband and I adopted for the little birds that hang out around here. Their birdsong sounds like "Cheez-bur-ger!" We THINK it might be a western chickadee. I found a site that has audio birdsongs on it and that bird was the closest we could find.

1 comment:

Helena said...

We decided that the redwinged blackbirds around here say "Grover Cleve-land!"