Monday, March 26, 2007

And Away Goes Trouble Down the Drain

We really could have used roto rooter today. Greg went to take a shower and found that sewage had backed up into the basement. Our basement was flooded in 1 inch of sewage. Our septic had backed up again.
After hubby dug up the septic tank and finding that the problem was a massive blockage at the exit from the house, he managed to drain it with water. While he was in the middle of digging it up, the heavens opened up and rain POURED down along with hail; not 30 minutes later...the sun was shining. Tomorrow we are going to call some carpet cleaners to handle the rest. It is so depressing. Yucky & Stinky. I haven't even gone downstairs to assess all the damage.
If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all.


Anonymous said...

Aw, poor mommy. I feel your pain somewhat. Our washing machine stopped working mid-cycle on Saturday and we had to rinse all our bleachy whites in our bathtub!

xashee's corner said...

i am soo sorry to hear of this, you sure didnt need that too! HUGS! i pray your day gets better, i am sure all you want to do is create!

Theresa said...

Hey, at least it's not snow!