Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sicko Pt 2

Still sick. Hubby dragged me in to see Dr. Linford. He diagnosed Bronchitis. It took all the energy I had to get up & dressed by 1:00 for the appointment at 1:45PM.
All the puppies came with us. What a trip.

After dropping off my prescriptions at the pharmacy, hubs decided he wanted something to eat and went to Mickey D's. Gross. That's not food. That's poison. But Bravo & Harriet decided they LURV french fries.

We picked up groceries at the store as my appetite has been non-existent. Nothing looked remotely good.

I was prescribed AMOX TRK and TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC SUSP. However, I have lost all taste sensation. My taste buds are nil. Everything I put in my mouth is gross & lackluster. Am having to force myself to eat before taking the pills in order to have something in my stomach.

The cough medicine was supposed to have coedine in it, which usually knocks me back on my ass. But I am wide awake again for the 3rd night in a row. Big black bags under my eyes make me look like a raccoon. I urged the doctor to give me something strong for sleep (thanks - $88 later!) and it's still not working. So, a half hour ago I got up thinking that it was morning. It's NOT. It is 3AM. All the puppies decided to go out for potty since I was up, and all I wanted to do was take more medicine and get a restful soak in the tub. Even warm milk tastes bland but I drink a little anyway, thinking it might make me sleep. NOT.

Beside the body aches & pains, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses with surrounding infection, headache, cold chills and fever, I am having a great old time!

Perhaps hallucinating. Not sure.

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