Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Weasely Rascal

Well, I promised a pic of the hubby on his "Lil' Rascal". He rented this for the weekend for only $75.00. Resting his foot while being able to enjoy touring his favorite automotive parts swap meet.

You will notice the two little wagons behind - which the guys strung together so they could haul parts. The massive trailer behind him is the junk they brought back. See? I told you that he bought more than he sold!

At the first of April is the big Swap Parts Meet in Portland, Oregon. I was so thoroughly bored being here by myself this past weekend, that I will endure the time with all the guys and go with them. They want to spend at least 4 days there, with 1 day there, and 1 day back. I might even get a little shopping in edgewise.

Today, we got up pretty early as bespoke the newly re-set clocks on daylight savings time. The sun shone directly into our faces this morning, so were unable to rest anymore - besides...there was this snippy little cat with an amputated tail sitting on our bed, miaowing loudly at us! Who can possibly stay asleep with that racket. I am seriously considering banishing him to the bathroom again. Duh. The cat. NOT the hubby!

So we popped in for our lattes, (too sweet on the Tiger Tail) and headed into CDA to return said Rascal. Once that was done, we picked up a replacement thermocoupler for the fireplace that AGAIN decided to break down & die.

Isabelle begged for Wendys. So off to the drive-thru for 5 bacon cheeseburgers. On the way home, we stopped at Rite-Aid to pick up some treats for Easter for the kids. (don't tell them!)

Stopped briefly at the post office to drop off the books that I am swapping.

  • Total Swapped thus far - 158
  • Total Listed on my Bookshelf- 47
Debbie & her daughter Shelby stopped by this afternoon. As Shelby has never seen the house, I invited them in; while Isabelle growled and guarded her house, I gave them a tour. Then showed them the Euro-trip pics! It was fun to relive it again through their eyes.

For dinner tonight, we had a barbecued chicken on a bed of long grain & wild rice.

Greg was able to unload all the stuff from the back of his truck today. Hopefully he can get the interior cleaned out soon! Men are such pigs.

*things to note to self:
-VZ messed up his FMLA paperwork yet again. It never fails to amaze me than anybody has phone service at all as fucked up as that company is.
-Kootenai Hospital sent us a bill, without explaining what it is for - Greg has not been to that hospital in over 17 years. So after being on hold for over 20 minutes, hubby left a message; which they failed to return. Incompetence reigns supreme.
-I can't find my Skecher's hiking boots anywhere. Have been getting them from Victoria's Secret for several years, but they discontinued them. Nowhere. WHY do companies discontinue our favorite things? Jeans/Bras/Shoes/Hair Products/etc.

This is as bad as Keds changing the proverbial shoe that launched their company - the boat shoe. I loved them. Used to get them in white all the time. Loved to wear them in summer. That great little blue tag on the back. Then KEDs discontinued that style. And came out with a duplicate but added padding in it. Ugh. Padding. I thought they were perfect without padding. Victoria's Secret discontinued my favorite bra. Levi's discontinued my favorite jeans. Ugh. Never get used to anything. Always keep pulling the carpet out from under the customer's feet!

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Re: why mfrs keep changing things... it's called "improving the product". The problem is, quite often they don't check with the customers before they "improve" it.