Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cleanliness, Vomiting Cat, and other Oddities

Yesterday, I cleaned the house. Even tho it is not time for spring cleaning, I threw open the doors as it was quite warm...and cleaned. I vacuumed, swept, mopped & wiped everything down with antibiotic wipes. The house smelled great...until Greg & the dog got home.
Oh. well.

Today, I talked to my baby who is over in England so we could coordinate our next challenge on the ADSR 3. Then I uploaded freebies to my 4-Shared accounts.

In between all this, I was hit with horrible endometriosis pains. Greg has been much more sympathetic to me lately since he heard me screaming in agony last month when I had them in the middle of the night (well, more like 2am, but it was still dark!) So today, I felt the pains coming on and tore off into the bathroom to down a handful of aspirin and soak in a hot tub. But the cat had vomited all over the floor. Had to clean that up, then jump into the tub to relieve my pain. In the middle of sitting down in the tub, the phone rings. I was determined that I would not answer, would have to call them back.

Later, when I was feeling better, I made Snickerdoodle cookies for Isabelle. Even saved some of the cookie dough for her.

1 comment:

Jana Vianna said...

Uhm, the Snickerdoodle cookies, so delicious!!!