Friday, November 23, 2007

Countdown - 18

18 days to go!

We spent a quiet day on Thanksgiving. Besides having an awful cough from this stupid, malingering cold...I just wanted to spend a day with the hubby.

So we got a few things from the grocery store that we had forgotten (stuffing/milk/buns) and went home to make T-Day dinner. Also picked up warm lattes from a place in town.

Stopped at our friends, Joanie & Chachi to see how their building was coming. Greg had to return to take a couple things to them, while I worked out on the elliptical. When he got home, we settled into our dinner and watched the Parades that we had recorded for our viewing convenience.

Greg called his dad later Thanksgiving night. All was well with Marv. He had served some friends at the local church by carving up 18 turkeys.

The kids sent us a cute e-card of a hand drawn turkey. It made us smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your freebie PushPins has expired on DSD can you hide them? I do not have access to your acct only the designer does.

Someone commented it on the frontpage.