Monday, October 23, 2006

On A Clear Day, You Can See Forever

I think that was a very romantic movie. Starring Barbra Streisand.

Romantic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

Shit hit the fan at DST & NDISB. We are all sworn to silence, but the impact is devastating. It is horrible to think that something like this could happen. But pathological liars will always be out there to prey upon those who have sympathy. The odd thing to think about is that these people who invent a fantasy world, actually believe it is real, and get very irritated, upset, & nasty when others doubt their word! The best offense is a good defense? Yeah. I hit that pin on the head with a baseball bat! It is VERY OFFENSIVE.

On the other hand, you have me. Whose life is an open book. Just look at my scrapping. You can trust that anything I say, will be the gosh honest truth. With a few embellishments thrown in to make it sound interesting and romantic. Otherwise, you would fall asleep at how BoRiNg my life actually is to live.

I still am using my elliptical. I might have dropped a pant size because my pants are much easier to zip. As I was squeezing myself into a size 5, I am more comfortable now. Have built up to 2 eight minute stretches at a power resistance of 5-6! So I am doing that twice a day!

Hubby is still off. Still in pain. Poor baby.

I ripped a toenail off while vacuuming yesterday, so I need to get my nails done. Am also thinking about having hair extensions put in for the Christmas party. I REALLY want to impress those pretentious bitches that I used to work with as they were being nasty behind my back when I was in pain at work. Yes, I am just as supercilious as they are... Silly, huh?

WHY do people always questions those with back pain? Don't they believe it is real? Just because blood is not spurting, or there are no existing bruises, or obvious malformation...I injured my ribs and tore the cartilage from my ribs about 3 years ago. Cartilage holds your ribs together. Just imagine not having that support. And that is the pain I endure daily! At this point in my life, I know it won't get better and I don't complain, but did they HAVE to be nasty about it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad to find your new blog! i keep looking at your old one, waiting...
I'm so sorry that you were lied to and taken advantage of bob! Goodness knows YOU of everyone doesn't deserve it in the least! I'm very sorry!
I hope greg is feeling better soon -
I'll be back!!!!