Wednesday, October 18, 2006


60 shoppings days left to Christmas!
Are you ready?

On the 9th Greg went to visit his doctor at North Idaho Immediate Care.

The medico said he is off until further notice for his back injury.
A visit to the Chiropractor afterwards relieved a little of hubby's pain.
Monday, the hubby attempted to relax at home, but is "bored".
I told him be bored or be in a wheelchair for life. It his choice.
On Tuesday the 10th, after his Chiro appointment, we did some errands.
Got home late and both of us were exhausted.

I got Kelsey into digital scrapping and she is really GOING wild.

She is Awesome and has taken to it like a duck to water!
To keep my little baby warm over in that cold foreign land; i.e.-England...
I ordered the boots of her dreams. Cavalry by MIA.
Hopefully they get here before Winter!

Thursday the 12th, we ran into CDA and while I shopped at Lyle's, Greg stayed in the truck to call his dad.

We learned that Bert has a lump in her breast and will have a biopsy done to find out if it is cancerous.
We drove downtown to the Lake and picked up those WonderfuL hamburgers at Hudsons. Walked around the floating boardwalk, then ate our burgers at the picnic bench where we took Matt & Kelsey before they left for England.

On Friday the 13th, Joe made it out again with the backhoe (and Dave Graham) to backfill the hole by our home.

Discovered that the ACTUAL water leak was at the connection to the main. Traded the propane tanks from shop to the house and vice-versa.
This took most of the day as they were here when we returned from getting lattes and did not leave until 3:00.
I paper scrapped most of the day.

Saturday morning at 9:45 was Greg's MRI in Spokane.

We stopped afterwards for groceries then came directly home as Greg was in a lot of pain.

Matt had a birthday. He is now 22! Can You Believe It?

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