Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blueberry Bushes

FRIDAY - Took hubby to work. Stopped to talk with Deralee at Latte stand until 10:00. Cleaned house. Vacuumed upstairs. Swiffered. Cleaned up basement. Made banana nut bread. Started to clean up dog poop outside again. KRN & Matt picked up hubby on way here. He did not have ride because VZ truck had to be left at work. Matt & hubby worked in shop on Roc Bronc until very late.

SATURDAY - Hubby & Matt left at 6:00. Loaded Roc Bronc on trailer for Cabin Fever 4WD Run in Pinehurst. They will be gone all day. Us girls did not want to go because COLD & Rainy. Probably snow in mountains. Brrrrr. Guys were noisy loading Roc Broc; dogs woke up & barked. Went back to bed until 8:30. KRN woke me up. We got dressed & took Bud, Bit & Bravo with us shopping. Costco. Jamba Juice. Latte Stand. Wendy's. Macy's. Kohl's. WalMart. Wendy's made raw hamburgers again. Line at Kohl's was VERY long. Checkout girl had to call manager. LONG wait. KRN got several tops at Macy's & Kohl's. Found a new (used) clothing store next to Jamba Juice in town. Nothing interesting.

After all the shopping we took Bud, Bit & Bravo to Dog Park in CDA. Was lots of fun. Stayed about an hour. Dogs were extremely well behaved. It was a pleasant time. Spoke to an older man that was on the committee to start the dog park.

Went home & unloaded all KRN's supplies into her Jeep. Then worked on making muffin stickers for her on my computer.

KRN was starving. Watching TV until guys came home late. Guys were all excited about the 4WD trail ride in the mountains! KRN & Matt changed clothes & went up to Sandpoint to visit friend for her birthday. They got home late - around 2am.

SUNDAY - Got up early with the dogs. Harriet was wagging her ears so we thought she was having a problem with them. Cleaned them out thoroughly & she seemed to feel better. Went to get drinks from Jen - Bunny (aka - new rave name is Unique?) at latte stand. Hubby said he would send guys down on Monday to get Blueberry bushes as they are HUGE. Over 6 feet tall.

Packed dogs up in Dodge. KRN & I sat in the back. Matt in front - hubby drove. I had to lock up & go potty last minute. Let Lil Bit out with the rest of the dogs to load. He ran around playing 'keep away' from everybody until I came out and called him just once - he came running up on the deck & jumped into my arms. Everybody was mad at me. Then took dogs for a walk down at Wild Dog dead end. Harriet was running like a wild deer. Romping.

Went home & dropped dogs off. Put Bud outside so he wouldn't chew up house while we were gone. Then drove to The View Cafe in our FMF. KRN wanted to take Matt to eat breakfast. He was starving.

Came back home so that kids could pack up and they left to return to their home.

We went back down at 12:30 to get more lattes from Jen-Bunny. She was leaving to go see boyfriend. Then we drove around in neighborhood. Bud & Bit really liked seeing all new area. Then home.

I took a hot bath to help my left knee which was hurting. Did not help.

Hubby made burgers on the grille tonight at 6:30pm.

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